Thursday, May 8, 2008

Child Labout : A crime

I dont believe all are blessed in this world.You know one thing.Whatever step may be taken by govt., still child labour continue.Especialy in poor developing countries like India child labour is said to be most concerned crime.

Why child labour?? i have been thinking for long time why there is child labour? wh all of the parents not able to board their ward in their school.The reaon may be politicians.But the real reason is poverty!! Governments change on every occasion.In every election campaign every politician says "I will give rice,i will give tv".. but no one is ready to say i will give free education.. May be because "If everyone studied then no one wil vote for the politicians.. ha ha ha ha".Anyways child labour makes the poor poorer in knowledge.Because of the child labour we lose many einsteins,newtons and great minds without knowing.The limits defined till now could be broken only by Knowledge.Knowledge is light in dark life!!!

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